(Dramatic music playing in the background...)
Okay.. So I was driving home from In and Out just now after dropping off my daughter at school. And getting off I-5 were 6 (yes I counted them 6!) late model RV's with "JUDGEMENT DAY IS ON MAY 21, 2011! Visit http://www.familyradio.com/" On the front above the cabin. And this was also on the side with more garbage..... Now then my first thought was OMG!!! I am so going to blog about this! But then I was like, Mari! Research what they are talking about and then slam them..
So I read their bit on Judgement Day.... OMG.... These people are off their fucking rockers! Holy Fucking Crap! Check it out... Here's the link, here is what the crazies are saying.. I will comment at the end.
Their view on Judgement day and their proof....
OK.... So.. I actually pulled out my actual bible to read these verses... These people are truly just picking the ones that they want.. According to what I read...
Giants will still roam the land... Genesis 6:4
Noah is the just man who saves people (not christ) and the animals and his wife and his sons and their wives Genesis 6:9-22
The flood came when Noah was 600 years old Genesis 7:6 (Wouldn't we have heard about this guy on the news ranting about going to his ark, the flood is coming, I'm Noah and I'm 600 years old.....)
It rained for 40 days and 40 nights, a day=1000 years 2 Peter 3:8 (So when the flood is over Noah will be 80 days into it, or 80,000 years into it.. Going off of their math here!) Noah is going to be freaking ancient when this flood ends. Plus the water is on the earth for 150 days! Thats 150,000 years...
And yes he's there when it ends.... Genesis 8:1-14 Oh and apparently it took a few days to dry.. Another 3 months... Thats a lot of years....
Now then... From what I am reading.. This already happened.... I don't see where it's going to happen again. In fact, they don't quote Revelations ANYWHERE in their page... Thats the end of days right? Those are the pages people fear! Genesis is a history lesson, if you believe all those very long lives.... (By the way in Genesis 6:3, we are supposed to live to 120... Has anybody?)
Here's my thoughts on Judgement Day... God is not gonna pull the trigger, hang on a sec and hear me out. We have entered this phase of evolution where our tool making now involves nuclear bombs.. If there is gonna be a "rain of 40 days and 40 nights" that rain will be bombs. It will take thousands of years for those after effects to disappear.
A friend of mine told me that the bible says that God will take the true believers to heaven with him/her before the rapture. I have to get the verse from her.. Sorry... God will not push the button, a man will. If there is truly going to be a Judgement Day, he/she's gonna pull the true believers and the people with genuine christ or god like attributes out of ground zero. He/she is going to let the wicked kill the wicked, while the good people, me and other non-judgemental, non-ignorant type people are watching from above. These rv drivers, who are trying to scare people will burn up in their ark.. I'm just saying! This shit pisses me off!
In my life time.. And I turn 26 on the 16th... I have lived through a end of days already, remember Y2K. In the next 2 years we have just as many.. May 21, 2011 and December 21, 2012.. Seriously.. How many of these are we going to go through, while we point and laugh at the religious nuts? I'm bored with them already, why don't they put that money that they are using for hate and do something worth while with it. Just a thought!
Sorry it's so serious today, but come on... Seriously??!!
Me talking about random stuff, sometimes serious, sometimes not. Will have a crazy collection of rants, recipes, observations, stories and loving my gay status!
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